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LC's Afro Cuban Latin Jazz at the Winery, Sat 10/7 LC's Afro Cuban Latin Jazz at the Winery, Sat 10/7

LC's Afro Cuban Latin Jazz at the Winery, Sat 10/7


Come and indulge with us and LC's Afro Cuban Latin Jazz!

You'll enjoy the perfect afternoon of sipping on locally produced, award-winning wine, noshing on delectable foods, and mesmerizing live music as the ultimate backdrop!

This Saturday, we're getting uncorked with the remarkable LC's Afro Cuban Latin Jazz, a sensational fusion of Latin Jazz that will leave you enchanted and wanting more.

Don't miss out on this perfect escapade - join your friends, or make new ones - and, Uncle Pauly's Italian Sausage will be here, too!

We open at NOON with LIVE TUNES from 2 to 5 pm.

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