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ON THE AIR: Cab Wine Tasting ON THE AIR:  Cab Wine Tasting

ON THE AIR: Cab Wine Tasting

We're tickled Rosé to have our NEW winery radio station, DENVER WINE RADIO launched and live!

If you've listened already ~ THANK YOU  ~ you know that wine and radio pair nicely, just like winemaking and radio are in Paul's blood, it makes for a tasty and entertaining duo...or shall we say trio?  

snippet of our recent show is below, so have a listen and soak up some tasting notes for Colorado Cab, A Chinon, and a couple of Cabernet Francs.  We hope to put you in the mood for some tastings this weekend (either with us at the winery, or on your own). 

All wines are available locally, and our Cab Franc is ready to pour (and it's for sale at the winery).

  denver wine radio

The wines we sampled:

Lo Fi 2016 Cabernet Franc – Coquelicot Vineyard $27

2016 Le Grand Bouqueteau Chinon $18

2016 Bonacquisti Cabernet Franc, Colorado $19, 2015

Creekside Cellars Cabernet Franc, Grand Valley $45.

  We also talk about alcohol content at 3:45 mark, AND we get our first caller, luchador Ray Ray, at the 8:40 mark! 



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