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October 17th-18th Celebrating Eight Years of Making Wine in Denver

It's been 8 years since we pulled up with a few ton of grapes and started making wine next to Quizno's, and there have been some memorable times along the way: Paul falling in the tank and winning a gold medal, The Great Zin Explosion of '08, The launch of keg wine and growler refills and, of course Fridays Uncorked. But the most important and enjoyable memories of the last 8 years are stories involving all the great people that we've met who have patronized the winery over the years. It's true. Your continued support is what drives us everyday. Without you, there is no Denver's Urban Winery. So come celebrate with us.


Friday, October 17th - Fridays Uncorked featuring Gumbo Le Funque

This Uncorked will be our live music anniversary celebration and will be outside (with Mother Nature's approval). Come get down with the New Orleans style funk of Gumbo Le Funque. Plus the pizza truck Rocky Mountain Slices. Free admission with food and wine available for purchase, featuring a special wine cocktail to mark the occasion. 


Saturday, October 18th - Open House 

Somewhere out there, we have more than a thousand wine jugs just waiting to be refilled. As way to thank all the owners of those growlers, we will have a special $8.88 refill Saturday only. 




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