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January 16th - Tailgate Party Chef Demo January 16th - Tailgate Party Chef Demo

January 16th - Tailgate Party Chef Demo

Football. It conjures up images of sweat soaked uniformed gladiators. Screaming blood thirsty fans. And the Mile High Big Fishler Tailgate party.
If you've ever strolled through Lot E at Mile High Stadium on your way to a Bronco game, you may have walked past Chef Paul Fishler's rig and had tailgate party envy. Not anymore. Join us at the winery, Saturday, January 16th, 2p-5p, for a tailgate party chef demo with the man himself. Beef brisket, smoked salmon and steamed mussels just in time for your Bronco playoff party.

Free admission with food sampling and wine available for purchase.

Saturday, January 16th, 2p-5p

4640 Pecos St, Unit I, Denver


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