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Colorado food and wine


Turning Highland Tap & Burger into a wine bar (sorta)

[caption id="attachment_1223" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="The bar at Highland Tap & Burger in Denver...

Three Fun Recipes Perfect for Sangiovese

If wine is the sauce to all food, then Vinny No Neck is the best friend to everything from duck ragu to beef brisket....

Christmas Food and Wine Pairings

We could ramble on with a million holiday cliches about family, trees, lights and a jolly ol’ fella from up north. Th...

Pairing Colorado Wine & Food

[caption id="attachment_1001" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Try a delicious homemade mac 'n cheese with...

WineTV: Vinny and Pork at Spuntino

Episode two features Spuntino chef Raul Salazar pairing an inspired pork dish with Vinny No Neck. Wine in this video...
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